Payouts at MinerMore

The reward for blocks mined at MinerMore contain the main block reward plus any transaction fees that were included in that block.

When a block is found, the entire block reward is given to the miners using the PPLNS payout method. You can read a fairly thorough technical description of PPLNS on this bitcointalk thread.

How does PPLNS differ from other payout methods?

Most miners are familiar with proportional payouts. That is the kind of payouts that most pools use. When a block is found, the reward is proportioned out evenly to those who submitted shares for that block for the entire time the pool was looking for that block. This payout method is simple and easy to understand, but is easily exploitable by pool hoppers. Throughout the summer of 2018, miners of Ravencoin were plagued by pool hoppers who use NiceHash to game this system. PPLNS was developed at MinerMore specifically to counter this problem, and to ensure that our miners get the fair payouts they deserve.

PPLNS does away with "rounds" and instead pays block rewards according to a window of time, based on a number of factors.

Under PPLNS, when a block is found, the system does the following:

1) Get the timestamp of the block we just found. This timestamp becomes the end of the payout window.
2) Look at the difficulty of the block that we just found, and the coin's target time.
3) Determine what the pool's average hash rate was during the round.
4) Using the above information, calculate how many seconds it should have taken for the pool to find the block. This figure is known as the "Time to Find", or the TTF.
This TTF number is then used as the actual window of time in which to pay shares. Starting at the time we found the block, the system goes backwards and considers all the shares that were submitted, going back through the entire timeframe of the TTF. So a block that had a pool TTF of 34 minutes will consider all shares from the past 34 minutes, regardless of how long it actually took to find the block. If we found the block in 5 minutes, it still pays everyone who participated during the past 34 minutes.

As a final addition, not all shares are equal to each other. When a share is submitted into the database, it's value is increased or reduced depending on the difficulty of the block currently being mined. What happens when the block difficulty goes up is that everyone's score goes down but each miner's effort as a percentage of the pool remains the same. Each share submitted is scored at the time that it was submitted, and once its value is determined, that is fixed and does not change.

It ends up looking like this:

shares_score = share_difficulty/block_difficulty

When payout time comes, we get all payouts with a query that looks something like:

select wallet, block_reward*sum(difficulty/block_difficulty)/(select sum(difficulty/block_difficulty) from submitted_shares where time > start_time and time <= end_time) from submitted_shares where time > start_time and time <= end_time group by wallet

Why do we change the value of shares based on block difficulty? Simply put, it is to thwart pool hoppers who watch for periods of low difficulty and only mine during those times.

Will I get higher or lower payouts?

Miners who connect and continue to mine will tend to experience higher payouts, especially if pool hoppers are present on the pool.

What if I drop connection and reconnect quickly?

That will not affect your payouts, assuming that you reconnect within a few minutes. As long as you are submitting shares every so often, you are being counted. Brief periods of interruption (rebooting a rig, power cycle at your home, etc) don't matter much.

If a coin has a TTF of 6 hours, but it took us 12 hours to find the block, what happens in that case?

The window for payouts is the TTF of the block found. So if the TTF is 6 hours, then only the past 6 hours worth of shares are paid. This is a great thing because it means that there is no risk to joining a round that has been going on for a long time. When the pool goes through a long period of bad luck and is stuck on a block, you have an incentive to join and help find it, because very old shares are being dropped once they fall out of the TTF window, thus the miners who stayed through to the end are the ones who appropriately get the reward. The pool hoppers who joined at the beginning and then left are penalized with reduced payouts in this case.

If a coin has a TTF of 1 hour but we got lucky and found 4 blocks in an hour, what then?

The window for payouts is still 1 hour. So shares from 4 blocks back could still be getting paid out. How nice for those who were there for the entire hour!

If you have additional questions, feel free to come discuss with us in our discord channel.