How to mine Ravencoin - Easy short guide

Notice: This page is for setting up connections that will work AFTER May 6th at 1800 UTC.

First you need either a wallet address or a username on the website

You can mine to a wallet address for your username. If you use a wallet address as your username in your miner, your payouts will be paid automatically every hour.

If you setup a username on the website and mine to that, you will set a payout address and amount threshold in your preferences. This is convenient for people who like to control the frequency of their payments. It is also convenient to be able to mine to your pool account and then set a withdraw address to whatever you want, such as an exchange address, paper wallet, etc.

This first section is for mining experts who just want the facts. Newbies can skip this section.

MinerMore has stratums all over the world for mining Ravencoin, and we use different ports to determine your mining difficulty.

All stratum servers have the same ports:

Port 4501 is vardiff.
Port 5101: fixed diff of 0.0001
Port 5201: fixed diff of 0.001
Port 5301: fixed diff of 0.01
Port 5401: fixed diff of 0.1
Port 5501: fixed diff of 1
Port 5601: fixed diff of 2
Port 5701: fixed diff of 4
Port 5801: fixed diff of 16

Choose your region for your mining, and always set a failover! is a DNS round robin pointing to all stratum servers in the United States. is a DNS round robin pointing to all stratum servers in the Eastern United States. is a DNS round robin pointing to all stratum servers in the Western United States. is a DNS round robin pointing to all stratum servers in Texas. is a DNS round robin pointing to all stratum servers in Europe. (UK, FR, DE, and NL) is for Asia (Singapore, Tokyo, and Hong Kong). is Toronto, Canada

So for example, if you are in Atlanta, you would want to mine to with a failover to Set your retry timer low with -R 2 so it'll move to the next stratum quickly if you get dropped for whatever reason.

Generate a bat file / connect script

Select your preferred region:

Choose your difficulty setting:

Which miner do you use?

Now, here's the newbie guide:

Mining Ravencoin using a GPU or rig of GPUs

You can mine using either Windows or Linux. Personally, I prefer Linux and I use Ubuntu 16.04 on all my rigs. Windows works fine, too.

For Nvidia users, first you need to make sure you have the right drivers. Download those at this page on There is a library called CUDA that mining software is built against, and your driver must match the CUDA version of the miner you download. CUDA 10.2 is the recommended version to get.

Once your drivers are running, you can now download and run your mining program.

  • NVIDIA: kawpowminer - open source.
  • NVIDIA: t-rex 0.15.3+ - proprietary with 1% dev fee.
  • NVIDIA: gminer > 2.04 - proprietary with 2% dev fee.
  • NVIDIA: TT-Miner 4.0.0 or better - proprietary with 1% dev fee: Windows or Linux.
  • AMD or NVIDIA: NBMiner - proprietary with 2% dev fee.

    Tests done in early May by the MinerMore sysop showed that t-rex performed the best, followed by kawpowminer.

    Now that you have installed your miner, you can start to mine. If you already have a Ravencoin address, you can use it as your username in the miner. If you don't want to setup a Ravencoin address yet, you can create a username on the MinerMore website and then use that username as your mining address. If you go that route, see our earnings page that explains how to do withdrawals.

    Now that you have your mining address and your miner downloaded, run it like this:

    kawpowminer -U -P stratum+tcp://[email protected]:4501


    t-rex -a kawpow -o stratum+tcp:// -u username.worker -p x


    gminer --algo kawpow --server --user username.worker


    nbminer -a kawpow -o stratum+tcp:// -u username.worker


    TT-Miner -coin rvn -P stratum+tcp://[email protected]:4501

    Replace username with your wallet address or website username. You can replace "worker" with the name of your rig. This way you can track the performance of each rig separately on the website.

    Within a couple minutes you will start seeing reports appear on the website. To find your report, enter your username in the top-left search box and press enter, and it'll come right up. Be aware that you need to mine for several minutes before you start seeing realistic performance data. It takes time for the pool to start collecting your shares so it can figure out how fast you're mining.

    Failovers: If you're on Windows, you can make a bat file that will start the miner and fall back on different stratums if one fails. Create your bat file like this:

    @echo off
    kawpowminer -U -P stratum+tcp://[email protected]:4501
    kawpowminer -U -P stratum+tcp://[email protected]:4501
    kawpowminer -U -P stratum+tcp://[email protected]:4501
    goto start

    Just run that it'll loop through all the stratums if any should fall off. Speaking of stratums, we have a number of different servers you can connect to for mining here. They all report the shares back to the same place, and the block reward is shared among all the MinerMore pool servers, so it doesn't matter which one you mine to. Pick the one closest to your location.

    If you're running Linux, you can just run the miner from the shell, or make a shell script that starts the miner. A good shell script might look like:


    while [ true ] ; do
    kawpowminer -U -P stratum+tcp://[email protected]:4501
    kawpowminer -U -P stratum+tcp://[email protected]:4501
    kawpowminer -U -P stratum+tcp://[email protected]:4501

    Once you're all setup and mining, you can tweak your settings. Generally you can save money without sacrificing much hash rate by running your cards at around 70% power. So for a 1080ti card that runs at 250W, you can run it at 170W. You can change the power usage on Linux with the command:

    sudo nvidia-smi -pm 1 ; sudo nvidia-smi -pl 170

    Change the 170 above to whatever watts you want your card running at. If you're on Windows, download Afterburner and use it to control the settings. You can also play around with changing your clock and memory speeds if you're feeling adventurous. x16rv2 is the algorithm that Ravencoin uses for hashing, and it can be... interesting. It rotates through different algorithms for each block, so some blocks you get a higher hashrate than others. It can also be very stressful to your power usage, so be sure you have plenty of power available to your system.

    Mining on MinerMore is fun and enjoyable, and Ravencoin is a great project with a lot of excitement and a highly active community. Sometimes we find blocks really fast on this pool, and we make a lot of coins really quick. Other times we go a long while without a finding a block and everyone panics until the drought is broken. It's all part of the game and shouldn't be stressed over. Check out the other help documentations linked below if you want more information, and certainly join our discord channel for real time help and support.

    Click here to go to the main Ravencoin pool page for MinerMore